Pesquisa / Research

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Aresti, G. (1963).

Desde a graduação tenho me dedicado a estudar o fenômeno do nacionalismo em suas mais diversas vertentes, em especial seus desdobramentos online. Na graduação me dediquei ao estudo das micronações/micronacionalismo, atividade online formadora de comunidades imaginadas e de laços entre participantes, que havia sido também objeto de minha iniciação científica premiada. O trabalho final apresentado recebeu nota máxima.

No mestrado me dediquei ao estudo do nacionalismo e identidade online, ou o processo de manutenção, produção e reprodução da identidade online tendo como foco blogs bascos e o nacionalismo basco como pano de fundo. A dissertação de mestrado foi aprovada com nota máxima e teve financiamento da FAPESP, fundação de pesquisa do estado de São Paulo.

Durante o doutorado, com bolsa CAPES, me dediquei a explorar ainda mais o tema do nacionalismo e das identidades online, uma vez mais com foco no povo basco e tendo por base estudos de diáspora e migração, Long Distance Nationalism, transnacionalismo, etc com especial foco em mobilização política online.

Tenho direcionado minha pesquisa (com artigo premiado com o segundo lugar entre jovens pesquisadores na conferência ECREA, em Bilbao, 2017) para o estudo do uso de redes sociais/internet por grupos minoritários/nacionalistas como ferramenta de engajamento político.

Em 30 de maio de 2019 defendi minha tese recebendo aprovação unânime do tribunal e nota máxima (sobresaliente).

EN: Since graduation I have dedicated myself to studying the phenomenon of nationalism in its most diverse aspects, especially its online developments. At graduation I dedicated myself to the study of micronations/micronationalism, an online activity that formed imagined communities and bonds/linkages between participants, which had also been the subject of my award-winning scientific initiation. The final paper presented received maximum marks.

In the master’s degree I dedicated myself to the study of nationalism and identity online, or the process of maintenance, production and reproduction of online identity(ies), focusing on Basque blogs and Basque nationalism. The master’s dissertation was approved with a maximum grade and was funded by FAPESP, the research foundation of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

During my doctorate, with CAPES scholarship, I further explored the theme of nationalism and online identities, once again focusing on the Basque people and based on diaspora and migration studies, Long Distance Nationalism, transnationalism, etc with a special focus on online political mobilisation.

I have directed my research (with an article awarded with the second place among young researchers at the ECREA conference in Bilbao, 2017) to study the use of social networks/internet by minority/nationalist groups as a tool for political engagement.

On May 30, 2019 I defended my thesis by receiving unanimous approval from the panel of examiners and maximum grade (“sobresaliente”).

  • País Basco / Basque Country
  • Estudos sobre Migração e Diáspora / Diaspora and Migration Studies
  • Online political mobilisation of diasporas and minorities
  • Digital diasporas, online imagined communities and identity
  • Cibercultura / Cyberculture
  • Long Distance Nationalism / Transnationalism(o)
  • Internet Studies
  • Estudos sobre Paz, Conflito e Terrorismo / Peace, Conflict and Terrorism studies
  • Minorias e Micronações / Minorities and Micronations
  • Liberdade na rede e de expressão / Internet freedom and freedom of speech
  • Micronacionalismo / Micronationalism

Projetos de pesquisa / Research projects

  • The Basque digital diaspora: left-wing abertzale solidarity groups in Argentina

    Completed PhD with CAPES Foundation (Brazil) Scholarship at Universidad de Deusto (Spain)

    My research aims at exploring and analysing in depth the current ideological and political relationships between diasporas and their homelands, through the specific case-study of the Basque diaspora and its non-state homeland. My interest focuses on the pro-independence leftist ideology and its institutionalization as exhibited by a segment of the population in the Basque society as well as by certain groups in the Basque-Latin America diaspora and in Argentina specifically. As observed, certain individuals and groups in the Basque diaspora, in countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Mexico, shared a similar ideology as the one present in the Basque Country, and which I can relate to the Basque pro-independence leftist movement, the so-called Izquierda Abertzale, understood as a movement that is supporter of Basque nationalism and at the same time is of left-wing ideology (socialist, Marxist, social-democrat, etc).

    Particularly, these diaspora groups have a prominent and active presence on cyberspace, forming a sort of ideological online communities. Groups such as the Euskal Herriaren Lagunak are mainly solidarity groups, but with close ties with Basques in the Basque Country, other groups focus more in identity-maintenance and pro-independence activities, also diaspora-born groups like JO TA KE  Rosario, will also play a major role on the analysis proposed on this research as well as other groups and organizations that have used or are currently using social media tools as a way of communication, activism and as an identity tool.

    Consequently, I am also interested in understanding the role that information and communication technologies, including the Internet and the Web, play in the establishment of these online communities and the relationships established with similar groups in the Basque Country.

  • Nacionalismo basco e redes telemáticas: Nação, vinculação e identidade (Basque nationalism and telematic networks: Nation, linking and identity)

    Pesquisa de Mestrado com bolsa FAPESP na Faculdade Cásper Líbero / MA research with FAPESP scholarship (Brazil) at Faculty Cásper Líbero (Brazil)

    Durante meu mestrado busquei analisar o comportamento na internet de membros da chamada comunidade basca, em especial daqueles que se declaram nacionalistas bascos – análise do processo de criação/re-criação de mitos, vínculos formados -, e, ainda, compreender o processo que se percorre até a tomada de consciência sobre o sentimento nacional em um ambiente virtual, em comunidades virtuais.

    Como se dão os processos políticos e comunicativos pelos quais há apropriação das redes telemáticas por parte do grupo ou comunidade basca? Como emerge o sentimento nacional (de nação) diretamente das interações via internet através da colaboração/interação e vínculos criados através do relacionamento online?

    Busquei compreender as razões pelas quais o movimento nacionalista Basco se ramificou até a apropriação das redes telemáticas, passando por todo um complicado processo de construção nacional, além de ligar a formação de vínculos comunicacionais à ideia de sentimento nacional e de nação, tendo a imprensa como impulsionador inicial de identidade(s) nacional(is) e a internet como novo foco de formação de vínculos através de comunidades virtuais.

    During my master’s degree I tried to analyse the behaviour on the internet of members of the so-called Basque community, especially those whose declare themselves as Basque nationalists. Through a deep analysis of the process of creation/ re-creation of myths, of ties (bonds) formed we aim to also understand the process that runs to the awareness of national sentiment in a virtual environment, within virtual communities.

    How the political and communicative processes by which there is appropriation of such networks by the Basque group or community occurs? How national sentiment (of a nation) emerges directly from the interactions via the Internet through collaboration/interaction and linkages created through the online relationships?

    I tried to understand the reasons why the Basque nationalist movement branched out to the appropriation of such networks, through a whole in-depth process of nation building as well as linking with the formation of communication links (ties, bonds) to the idea of nation and national sentiment, having the press as an booster of national identity(ies) and the Internet as a new focus of formation of bonds through virtual communities.

  • Identidade e ciberespaço: O micronacionalismo enquanto comunidade imaginada (Identity and cyberspace: Micronationalis while imagined community)

    Pesquisa de graduação na PUCSP / BA research at PUCSP (Brazil)

    Durante a pesquisa procurei analisar a atividade micronacional e relacioná-la com fenômenos  pós-modernos como a fragmentação, desterritorialização, globalização e outros dentro dos marcos da cibergeografia e da “realidade virtual”.

    I tried to analyse the Micronational activity and relate it with the post-modern phenomenon’s like fragmentation, des-territorialization, globalization and others inside the marks of the cybergeography and the “virtual reality”

  • Online political mobilisation and Digital Country

    Future project

    I’m currently in search of a postdoc opportunity in order to deepen my research on online political mobilisation, broadening the scope of my current research by comparatively analysing different minorities in light of the concept of the Digital Country and the relationship between offline and online political mobilisation.