Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Tsavkko Garcia, R. (2015). Communication linkages and national sentiment, from the traditional nation to the internet. Estudos em Comunicação/Communication Studies Journal. 18, 147-161. Portugal: Universidade de Beira Interior.
Publication year: 2015


Using concepts such as Imagined Communities, Identity Fragmentation and Post-Modernity and through the analysis of issues related to identity and sharing, this article aims to analyze the formation of communication linkages to the idea of national sentiment and of nation, having the press as early booster of the idea of national identity and the internet as a new focus of formation of linkages through virtual communities by analyzing the different medias, writing, virtualization and speech.


Communication linkages, nationalism, identity, nation, communication, media.


Ebsco, Qualis B2, DOAJ, Latindex, ErihPlus

Originally presented as a Paper “Communication linkages and national sentiment, from the traditional nation to the internet”, at 12th Conference Cyberspace in Brno, Czech Republic, 2014.

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