Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Tsavkko Garcia, R. (2018), ‘Diasporas and the role of social media on militant/ political activities: The Basque diaspora in Argentina in the spotlight’, Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture, 9:1, pp. 77–90, doi: 10.1386/ cjmc.9.1.77_1
Publication year: 2018


The role of politically motivated and engaged diasporas go beyond the mere reinforcement of state nationalism or states itself, but also promotes and supports subnational/sub-state ethnic groups’ agendas, both reinforcing and weakening states’ nationalist agendas. Sub-national/sub-state political groups, such as of Kurds, Uyghur, Tamil minorities, among others, tend, in many cases, to find support over its diaspora to advance a specific political agenda (such as greater autonomy, independence, etc). Also, such groups and related diasporas appropriate the Internet as a tool for political engagement, communication, financing, lobby and even moral support. In this article, I seek to understand and conceptualize such appropriation(s) having the Basque case (focusing on its diaspora in Argentina) as the main object of analysis.


Basque diaspora; political mobilization; diasporic identity; online politically engaged diasporas; minorities online agenda; identity construction online; Basque political diaspora


Scopus (CiteScore 0.49; SJR 0.187), EHRI PLUS, SOCindex, TOC Premier, British Humanities Index, ProQuest Political Science, IBZ.

Originally presented, in a shorter version, as a Paper at the ECREA DMM conference in Bilbao, Spain. (03/11/2017)


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