Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2022

Nearly 3.5 million Ukrainians have fled their war-torn country ever since Russian aggressions began less than a month ago. And Poland is the country that has welcomed the majority of these refugees – offering support through different means, whether from city governments or the local population.

Caught by surprise, many Polish cities are increasing their capacity to receive, house and provide basic services to Ukrainians arriving in ever-increasing flows. And the number may increase further in the coming days as the Russian army approaches Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital.

Rzeszow, about 100km from the border with Ukraine, “is a reception point that plays a focal role in creating a peaceful and safe atmosphere,” explains Konrad Fijołek, Mayor of the City of Rzeszow.

He adds that “Knowing that departing to our city is often the first encounter with Poland we treat this aspect seriously. We are aware that tens of millions have placed their trust in Polish people since they decided to come to our country.”

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