Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2019

During the holiday season in Brazil, it’s customary for children to watch movies from the United States and the United Kingdom that show a white, snowy Christmas. While these films portray freezing weather, families snuggled together in front of their fireplaces and Santa Claus dressed to survive the frost as his reindeer cross the skies to deliver presents, the scene outside Brazilian windows on December 25 displays hot summers, with temperatures near 90 degrees. But this hasn’t stopped Brazilian Christmas traditions from imitating the North.

Going to the mall during the holidays is like being transported to a different world. The air conditioning is lowered to an almost-glacial temperature, fake snow is spread around stores and Santa Claus is seen sweating through his heavy winter clothes.

Christmas in Brazil is widely loved, yet the way it is currently celebrated has been imported, with heavy influences from U.S. and European media. While popular movies and TV series have played a role in how Brazilians construct Christmas, academics point to advertising as the main responsible party.

Full article at Remezcla’s website. Date of publication: 17/12/2019.

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