Finding Solutions to the Climate Crisis

The record-breaking temperatures of summer 2023 gave us a hint of what the future holds should we fail to act adequately on the climate crisis. If pragmatism prevails, this climate warning will stoke an even greater sense of urgency when it comes to ending our reliance on fossil fuels. The solutions we need must respect our natural world and work for a growing (and increasingly urban) population.

In this issue, we take a closer look at how hydrogen valleys can unlock cheaper and more accessible hydrogen power by bringing providers and users closer together as more companies turn to alternative energy sources to power sectors such as heavy industry and public transport. We also present different perspectives on the possible implications of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on global trade and developing nations.

With over 70% of the EU’s population now living in urban areas, cities are key actors when it comes to testing solutions for the future. Ingrid Skogsmo, Senior Research Leader at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, tells us how automated vehicle solutions can improve traffic and accessibility.  Within the context of the European Mobility Week, Herald
Ruijters, Director of Investment, Innovation and Transport at the Commission’s DG MOVE, shares his vision for cities as catalysts for change and we travel to Latin America and the Caribbean, where a climate initiative is trying to reconnect cities with surrounding nature. We report on the efforts to protect Cyprus’ Akamas nature preserve and the greenhouse agriculture taking over south-eastern Spain into a sea of plastic.

We also catch up with one Spanish studio’s efforts to artistically de-digitalize data and take you on a trip to otherworldly landscapes of Iceland. Send us your stories, ideas for futures, and other comments at

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