Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2018
With President-elect Jair Bolsonaro confirming his pick for the Ministry of Environment, his 22-person cabinet is now fully formed. In 22 days, he and his 22 picks will take office. We break down who are these people, and what to expect from them.
During the presidential race, Jair Bolsonaro promised to dramatically reduce the number of cabinet positions to shrink the Brazilian state. During Dilma Rousseff’s administration, there were 39 ministers. Her successor, Michel Temer, cut that down to 29. Mr. Bolsonaro had promised a “maximum” of 15 cabinet positions, which in the end became 22.
As expected, many of his appointments raised great controversy, ranging from military appointments, evangelical leaders and politicians involved in corruption – despite his promises to crack down on political misconduct.

Full article at The Brazilian Report’s website. Date of publication: 10/12/2018

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