Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2021

From its origins in the 1970s post-punk movement to its consolidation during the following decades as a subculture of its own, goth is global. In Brazil, the gothic movement went through a major reorganization with the help of Carcasse, which hosted a web portal and forum.

Carcasse was among the first music sites to capably transpose zine culture online; to cover a regional scene with color and lived-in clout. It hosted dozens of alternative bands’ songs. From the site emerged parties, books, the only virtual shop where those who lived outside the main city centers could get works of art, and CDs of alternative Brazilian and foreign bands at a time when nobody imagined the arrival of e-commerce giant Amazon in the country. And by focusing on diversity and inclusion, looking past scenester politics about genre labels in order to connect goth fans everywhere, its legacy endures as one of the most influential sites in South America.

Full article at The Daily Dot’s website. Date of publication: 12/11/2021.

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