On December 3, Netflix premiered a Christmas special from the Brazilian comedy troupe Porta dos Fundos (translation: “backdoor”) titled The First Temptation of Christ. The 46-minute-long special features a gay Jesus Christ (Gregório Duvivier) introducing his boyfriend, Orlando, (Fábio Porchat) to his family and God (Antônio Tabet) after spending 40 days in the desert.

In the special, Mary and Joseph organized a surprise party for Jesus’ 30th birthday, with the presence of God, who tries to convince Mary to run away with him and abandon Joseph, a carpenter incapable of building even a table. The three wise men arrive at the party with a prostitute as a guest, and offer snacks made of ham—which they try to sell as if it were made of soy.

Full article at Vice US’s website. Date of publication: 20/12/2019.

The article was also published by Vice Australia, Vice Canada, Vice Asia, and Vice America Latina.

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