Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2021

Worldwide, cases of individuals receiving notifications for illegally downloading films and music are common. During the pandemic, with people staying more at home and the number of streaming services growing, P2P sharing technologies such as torrenting have again grown in popularity.

Along with it, there’s also been a growth of notifications sent by copyright trolls seeking to get money from users who, in fear, end up not seeking their rights and paying immediately what these trolls demand. In many cases users are wrongly notified, IPs are poorly identified or in many cases it is virtually impossible to know exactly who actually downloaded the files illegally.

The use of P2P sharing apps, such as those using the Torrent protocol, is not illegal – as in sharing personal files or files not protected by copyright. The situation becomes more complicated when file sharing of copyrighted material takes place.

Full article at Cybernews’ website. Date of publication: 04/02/2021.

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