Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Publication year: 2021

Brazil held its local elections 15 November, 2020 and thousands of city councillors were elected throughout the country.

In the midst of a pandemic and with an openly anti-LGBT+ far-right federal government, the results indicated a growing presence of LGBT+ activists from the most diverse political parties and spectres.

While candidates supported by president Jair Bolsonaro suffered devastating defeats and the number of elected officials who used religious titles – such as a pastor, missionary and the like – and who are commonly at the forefront of homophobic preaching, tumbled.

This year, the LGBT+ community elected 48 city councillors and received more than 450,000 votes – and transgender candidates deserve special mention in the country that kills the most trans people in the world.

Full article at PinkNews’ website. Date of publication: 08/01/2021.

The article was reproduced by Yahoo News. Date of publication: 08/01/2021

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