Publication Types:

Presentation: Transnational networks of the Basque, Kurdish and Tamil diasporas: Political mobilization and online political engagemen

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Paper "Transnational networks of the Basque, Kurdish and Tamil diasporas: Political mobilization and online political engagement” presented at 29th AEMI Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Presentation: Diasporas and the role of social media on militant/political activities: The Basque diaspora in Argentina in the spotlight

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Paper "Diasporas and the role of social media on militant/political activities: The Basque diaspora in Argentina in the spotlight”, at ECREA DMM conference in Bilbao, Spain. 2017.
Publication year: 2017

Presentation: Historical background of the Basque Diaspora in Latin America: Integration and tensions

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Paper "Historical background of the Basque Diaspora in Latin America: Integration and tensions", presented at 26th AEMI Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 2016
Publication year: 2016

Presentation: Transnacionalismo e Internet: El caso Vasco

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Koldo Díaz Bizkarguenaga, Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Speaker (with Díaz Bizkarguenaga, K.) at the Seminar “Transnacionalismo e Internet: El caso Vasco” [Transnationalism and Internet: The Basque case] at University of Deusto in Bilbao
Publication year: 2015

Presentation: La diáspora vasca en Latinoamérica: Euskal etxeak, integraciones y tensiones

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Speaker at the III Seminar series “Poder, interacciones, movilidades y representaciones en el mundo atlántico/Boterea, elkarrekintzak, mugikortasunak eta errepresentazioak mundu atlantiarrean” [Power, interactions, mobility and representations in the Atlantic world] of the “País Vasco y América: Vínculos y Relaciones Atlánticas” [Basque Country and America: Linkages and Atlantic relationship] investigation group
Publication year: 2015

Presentation: Basque Diaspora in Latin America: Euskal Etxeak, Integration and tension

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Paper "Basque Diaspora in Latin America: Euskal Etxeak, Integration and tensions" presented at Workshop "Protecting and including new and old minorities: Opportunities, challenges and Synergies" at EURAC (European Academy) in Bolzano, Italy, 2015.
Publication year: 2015

Presentation: Communication linkages and national sentiment, from the traditiona lnation to the internet

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Tsavkko Garcia, Raphael
Paper "Communication linkages and national sentiment, from the traditionalnation to the internet", 12th Conference Cyberspace, Brno, Czech Republic, 2014.
Publication year: 2014

Speaker at panel: The rise of the individual and the decline of the state?

Talks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Speaker at panel "The rise of the individual and the decline of the state?" at ESPAS Conference - Developing strategic thinking in the EU - Global Trends 2030
Publication year: 2013

Speaker at panel " Redes sociais, ação digital e ativismo político" [Social media, digital action and political activism]

Talks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Seminar A Esquerda da América Latina - História, Presente, Perspectivas, in São Paulo, Brazil
Publication year: 2012

Speaker at panel: "Jornalismo e Mídias Sociais" [Journalism and Social Media]

Talks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Speaker at panel "Jornalismo e Mídias Sociais" [Journalism and Social Media] at 37ª Semana Acadêmica da Comunicação Social - UFSM, Santa Maria, Brazil,
Publication year: 2012

Speaker: ESPAS Conference - Developing strategic thinking in the EU - Global Trends 2030

Talks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
Speaker at ESPAS Conference - Developing strategic thinking in the EU - Global Trends 2030 organised by the European Commission and the EUISS in Brussels, Belgium, 2011
Publication year: 2011

Poster "Micronacionalismo: da Teoria Geral do Estado Micronacional à sua Diplomacia"

AcademicTalks and Workshops (Palestras e Workshops)
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia
18º Encontro de Iniciação Científica – PUC-SP
Publication year: 2009